You'll get the message, go into that part of you and fix it; whatever 'it' is. This is priceless ~ You'll change the outer circumstances of your life by changing the inner workings of your mind. This download accompanies What's the Message beautifully.
This download programs you to follow through with everything that you start, like doing it, and have the energy you need to do it. It helps with old projects, long lists of things to do and future projects. And, the best part, you'll do it automatically.
This is for you to stop the throbbing so that you can think :) Everyone knows one of the worst things about a headache is that you can't do anything else but hurt. This clears your mind, soothes the pain and gets you back to feeling like you.
Simple, daily reminders keep us happy, healthy and positive! This complimentary eBook accompanies the Have Only Positive Expectations [HOPE] Guided Meditation and is included in The Complete Hope Set. 37pages
This guided meditation reminds all parts of you that being positive is a choice while reinforcing your automatic positive expectations. This download is included in The Complete HOPE Set.
The HOPE Set is dedicated to all of those who are trying to shift their consciousness and Have Only Positive Expectations in every aspect of their life. This is great for everyone who loves words and wants to increase the positivity in their life.
You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere!
We all need a bit of guidance sometimes. This download leads into that part of you that can get you the answers that you seek and the help that you need. It's on sale because we all need a little help sometimes. :)
$10.95 $15.95
This improving your memory download is great for anyone of any age. Who wouldn't love to know that they'll never forget anything ~ ever again?
This is hypnosis programming at its finest. You'll train yourself to have Instant Focus anytime that you want or need it~in any circumstance or situation. It's short, it's simple and all you have to do is listen and train yourself. This is great.
This download is an Instant Motivation Boost. It's short. It's fast. It's amazing. It fills you with energy. Use it anytime you feel like you can't do it, are too tired or just simply don't have the oomph to do what you need to.
$3.95 $15.95
Don't Quit Now! You're SO Close! This 20 minute pick me up keeps you on track, reminds you of why you had your goals in the first place and lets you know it's OK to be tired. You'll wake up feeling refreshed, empowered and motivated.
You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere!
Keeping a Clean House and Getting Up Early helps you to finish everything you start, go to bed early and get up early. You stop the overwhelm of everything you need to do at home and simply, just get it done.
These affirmation images reinforce that you are: Positively Hopeful; that you naturally Have Only Positive Expectations. This complimentary affirmation eBook accompanies the Guided Meditation Positively Hopeful included in The Complete Hope Set. 53 pages
Please enjoy this complimentary download. It's made specifically for those of you whom love using hypnosis to change your life! Happy Creating!
Get yourself on track~Now. There's nothing worse than knowing you need to do things and can't get yourself to do it. You'll have a short chat with yourself to motivate, organize and put everything aside until you get what you need done~done.
If it's time to raise your standards this is perfect for you! You'll move at your own speed and pace so that all of your changes are seamless and natural. You can do a complete overhaul of your life or just what you want at the time.
This download teaches you how to relax and let good things come into your life. Increase your trust and reduce your stress... It's just that easy.
This download helps you to stay in the moment, relax in whatever you are doing and have [more] fun in your life.
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