You can use Balancing Your Body Temperature anytime you need it; as much as everyday or once a year. It's great for the changing of the seasons and when you're traveling. (You are able to adjust to hot or cold and to humid or dry climates.)
This download is for anytime you're feeling nauseous. It can be used anytime you can escape and close your eyes. It's short and to the point. Feel better now! Happy Soothing!
This is for you to stop the throbbing so that you can think :) Everyone knows one of the worst things about a headache is that you can't do anything else but hurt. This clears your mind, soothes the pain and gets you back to feeling like you.
This download uses the Light of your Spirit and the power of your Mind to clean and whiten your teeth. You'll remove all plaque and debris and massage your gums. You can rebuild enamel and grow your gums [back] all while freshening your breath!
This download puts your body to sleep. Use it when you're going to bed. It's for people who are in pain ~ mentally, emotionally and/or physically.
Anyone can use this to repair and improve their brain functioning. It's good for anyone who wants a healthy strong brain and for anyone that has damaged their brain ~ an accident, drugs, alcohol and even age. Enjoy ~ rebuilding your brain!
the download Soothing Fractured or Broken Bones is to be used only AFTER you have seen a doctor and have had your bone(s) set. Yes, it works that fast. :)
This download soothes your body, calms you down, relaxes your mind and puts you to sleep. You can use this for any problems with your skin. (It 'makes' you stop touching yourself at night while you sleep.) ~Only use this when you go to bed.
This download stops panic in it's tracks. You'll calm your mind and your body and in a few minutes get back to what you need or want to be doing. It's super short so that you can use it anytime you need to.
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