By choosing openness of mind, you choose help from those around you, guidance from yourself and positive, hopeful thinking. You'll be amazed how this short session gives you the time-out that you need, energizes you and 'just seems' to help everything fal
You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere!
You can have the wedding of your dreams. This download helps you create exactly what you want. You'll get rid of any negative thoughts and eliminate all worries. Have fun! it's your special day!
Creating the Perfect Man is simple and easy with this download. Magnetize your perfect mate to you with your mind!
This download is an Instant Energy Boost. It's short. It's fast. It's amazing. You can use this as much or as little as you'd like. Energy Boost is instant... and fabulous.
If you have ever caught yourself thinking or saying I make bad choices with ____ or I thought it was different this time, then this download is for you! You'll change those patterns and automatically make the choices that bring you the outcome...
This download helps you to align all parts of yourself with what you want in [your] marriage [now or in the future]. You'll eliminate any doubts and fears about your choices and have the ability to change any patterns and behavior that you want.
The HOPE Set is dedicated to all of those who are trying to shift their consciousness and Have Only Positive Expectations in every aspect of their life. This is great for everyone who loves words and wants to increase the positivity in their life.
Ack! So Fun! Thee's nothing better than feeling lucky and have everything go your way. This download sets you up to have luck all day long. You'll be more confident and have positive expectations for just about everything. What could luck bring you today?
Do you punish yourself or put yourself in compromising situations? Or if you've ever caught yourself wondering why someone would help or love you, or simply saying to yourself I don't deserve ____, then this download is for you!
Fall asleep imaging your ideal life. You choose who you want to be, what you want to look like, where you are and what you're doing~Let all those images relax you and lull you into deep, restful sleep. It really is, just simply, a fun way to go to sleep!
Need a quick pick me up? Get your mind right for whatever is going on in your life!
Sometimes it's tough to get up everyday and to keep going, have the right attitude and to be excited. This download lets you relax and escape, just for a bit, so that when you get up you have all the energy you need to to keep going.
Bring what you want into your physical reality. Use this download for one specific manifestation each time. It's about 20 minutes. Use it daily until you create what you want. (Have your list/goals written out before you listen to this.)
Magnetizing your Perfect Woman
This is a wonderful set to get you making the choices that support all of your goals. By making good choices, you make good things happen. Luck is a feeling. And, feeling lucky is fabulous~especially since it translates very closely to confidence.
If you're doing any manifesting, at all, take this course. You can use it every time you set a new goal or manifestation. It will help you fine-tune what you're creating, check your goals (and your future/futures) and get any questions answered.
It's a Manifesting Fix It Set! If you're having challenges with any of your manifesting, this set is for you. This set helps you figure out what's going on inside of you, change it and get yourself on track.
Large Text Manifesting: Removing your Blocks Affirmations! This eBook has one set of well-centered, clear affirmation images in dark, large font. They're super easy to read! 37pgs
You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere!
You never have to worry or be nervous about anything again. You can create the outcome to any and every situation in your life.
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