This Black Board focuses on the worry that things are not ever going to change or get better and erases and replaces negative business, clients and [the] economy programs with positive ones.
$3.95 $15.95
Creating the Money [Stuff] You Need Now and make a withdraw from the Universe.
Change your programming and get your debt paid off quickly and easily! You'll shrink the problem in your mind and come up with creative solutions that work for you. You can live debt free!
This download a combination of guilt and regret about shopping and spending money. The outcome? You'll feel better about spending money, be okay with spending it on what you want and all around make better money choices for yourself. Happy Programming!
Do you punish yourself or put yourself in compromising situations? Or if you've ever caught yourself wondering why someone would help or love you, or simply saying to yourself I don't deserve ____, then this download is for you!
This Money Black Board focuses on the worry things are not ever going to change or get better and erases and replaces negative money programs with positive ones.
$3.95 $15.95
This is wonderful. If you've been working on anything and the missing piece of your creation is money... this download is for you! Plus, there's a bit of digital interference (Woo-Hoo that means it's on super sale!) and i...
$3.95 $15.95
Make paying your bills easy! You'll stop procrastinating, being afraid and/or overwhelmed. This download helps you 'fix' your head so that you pay all of your bills as soon as you get them, enjoy doing it and have a ton money left over!
Get your mind focused on what you want...Paying off all of those credit cards! You'll get rid of any overwhelming and/or worried thoughts and feelings, feel positive and focused. You'll start automatically making decisions and choices that support...
Enjoy saving your money! Change your programming to save your money: you'll naturally (and automatically) start making financial choices that support your goals. This gets you excited about saving!
This download is great to reprogram you to save and spend your money on healthy choices for you. It complements all the downloads for addiction, dieting and anything else health, money and choice related. :) Have fun!
This download helps you automatically make the choices that you need to to keep you on the budget that you set for yourself. You'll take your time make purchases and tune into your intuition so that you are always prepared for what's coming.
This is a great download for anyone that has any [amount of] credit cards. You'll get rid of any negative thoughts and programs about credit cards and build a good, healthy relationship with them and yourself! You're programming yourself to use them...
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