Why is this download on sale? Because everyone needs a 20 minute session that changes their stress levels and helps them live a happy, easy going, comfortable life!
$9.95 $15.95
This quick download sets you in the mind frame to be your very best self. You'll be full of confidence, feel great and do your best all day long. This is the perfect download when you need to 'on'- with any person in any situation.
$3.95 $15.95
Happy 2018! The Year of The Brown Earth Dog. Let's get and keep you on track! Please enjoy this holiday guided meditation and many good thoughts to you as you accomplish your goals!
$0.00 $15.95
Happy 2017! The Year of The Red Fire Rooster. Let's get and keep you on track! Please enjoy this holiday guided meditation and many good thoughts to you as you accomplish your goals!
$0.00 $15.95
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