Stay on your Diet! If you have trouble staying on your diet because you get sick of it, feel slighted or get angry about having to 'do it', this download might just be what makes staying on your diet super easy!
This is a great session to help you stop eating for emotional reasons. If you are an emotional eater (and want to stop) this download is for you! You'll view food differently (as fuel for your body) and make choices based on your health.
This download puts your body to sleep. Use it when you're going to bed. It's for people who are in pain ~ mentally, emotionally and/or physically.
Ack! It's bedtime! ... But there's so much to do, so many things to think about, so many... We all get would up sometimes for one reason or another, this recording lets all parts of you know that it's time to sleep and you'll attend to it during waking...
This download teaches you how to relax your mind and let all of your thought, worries and memories fade from the 'front' of your mind.
Anyone can use this to repair and improve their brain functioning. It's good for anyone who wants a healthy strong brain and for anyone that has damaged their brain ~ an accident, drugs, alcohol and even age. Enjoy ~ rebuilding your brain!
This download is great to reprogram you to save and spend your money on healthy choices for you. It complements all the downloads for addiction, dieting and anything else health, money and choice related. :) Have fun!
This download puts you to sleep, gets your body acclimated and comfortable to/with your environment and makes adjusting your sleeping patterns automatic. This is a great download for traveling, if you're busy or have an erratic schedule or
the download Soothing Fractured or Broken Bones is to be used only AFTER you have seen a doctor and have had your bone(s) set. Yes, it works that fast. :)
This download is about staying you~ in mind, body and spirit. It's short (17 min) and is made to be listened to everyday. You'll be amazed in the difference in how you look and feel!
You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere!
If you've been trying to stop eating or wanting certain foods, this session may just be what you need to change your diet permanently. Do not listen to this download unless you're ready to stop eating junk food.
$9.95 $15.95
This download soothes your body, calms you down, relaxes your mind and puts you to sleep. You can use this for any problems with your skin. (It 'makes' you stop touching yourself at night while you sleep.) ~Only use this when you go to bed.
This is a great session that teaches you how to relax and stress less while you change the habit of eating when you're stressed. You'll eat for the health for your body and naturally lower your stress levels.
This download stops panic in it's tracks. You'll calm your mind and your body and in a few minutes get back to what you need or want to be doing. It's super short so that you can use it anytime you need to.
This is a wonderful set if you want to be better at portion control/planning, eat everything that you buy, be conscious of what you're ordering, and want to eat everything that you already have. Plus, you'll only buy what you're going to eat!
This is a great set for anyone that needs to bring their stress levels 'down'. You can use/listen to this everyday or only when you need it.
$3.95 $19.95
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